
    • Hidden Treasures Op Shop Tuesday and Wednesday 9.30 – 12.30.
    • Morning Tea 1st Thursday of the month at 10am.
    • Women’s Bible Study Thursday’s at 11.00am.
    • Playgroup meets every Thursday at 9.30am (except School Holidays).
    • Blokes Time Out meets on the 4th Monday of the month at 6.30pm.
    • Hi Spot Craft Group Wednesday’s 9.30 – 12pm (except School Holidays).
    • Prayer Group meets every Tuesday at 9.30am (except School Holidays).
    • HOME GROUPS are a great way to learn and share together. Please consider either hosting or joining a home group this year. It would be great to have more groups and opportunities to invite others into fellowship. See Pastor David for more information.
    • Are you in need of a Christian Counsellor? We have three Christian Counsellors operating out of our church building. Contact: Jacob Mangelsdorf Counselling on 0468 357 034, or Nathan Adams on 0403 300 045,